Total-Drama-Gone-Wild Wikia

Tim is a camper from Total Drama Gone Wild and is a member of the Deadly Parrots. He is currently in the competition.


Tim is a superstitious freak. If you don't know what superstitions are, they are long-lasting beliefs about small things in your life that may happen and change your life in a good or bad way. For instance, in his promo picture, Tim is holding a four-leaf clover, which is a sign of good luck.

Same for the horseshoe drawing on Tim's shirt; it is said to bring luck. Tim is slightly shy and knows that not a lot of people like him, because of his unusual lifestyle based all around his belief in superstitions. But that aside, he's smart, has a nice sense of humor and is overall interesting.


In Tim‘s Audition Tape he starts off as Dracula and Tim saids he’s bloody thirsty for the million dollars then Tim is dressed as a bee and Tim saids he’s Buzz in to be on the show and saids thats not right then Tim is dressed as a groove and saids crusin for a Brusin! Tim is dressed as a clown saids wanna hear a joke and Tim introduces himself and saids he’s an Honest, Big Hearted, Smart Guy, and Lucky most of the time and saids pick me for Total Drama and some kids rings the doorbell to say trick or treat!

Total Drama Gone Wild[]



  • Tim is one of two contestants to wear glasses, the other being Diana.
  • His appearance is similar to Link Neal from the popular YouTube channel, Good Mythical Morning.
  • Tim is the first male contestant to use the confessional.


See Also[]
